Considering the quality of care for the elderly population and the need for Companies, Institutions and Families to remain properly trained and informed in the face of new pathologies, dementias, ways of caring and communicating, we have developed Personalized Training Programs in Gerontology and Geriatrics.
In order to comply with the parameters for Accredited and Certified Training, OldCare has partnerships with certifying entities accredited by DGERT.
We also created a new concept, Training and Consulting On The Job for Geriatrics. This modality allows a trainer or consultant to accompany the teams in their field activities, proposing improvement actions during and after the follow-up session. This model is intended to be simple, focused and efficient, meeting the real needs, within working hours and with high cost control.
- Workshops
- Consultancy in Gerontology and Geriatrics
- Community Health Sessions
- Training at home to the Informal Caretaker
- Certified Training for Professionals and Institutions
For more information contact us at
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